Friday, August 30, 2013

Mircoz Fibre Lash Extender Set -Giveaway [Closed]

Hi readers! Are you ready for the National Day's eve celebration? In conjunction of National Day, I am giving away a set of Mircoz Fibre Extender! Are you guys excited enough?
(PC to google)

Let's check out what's in the set?
Lash Extender Lengthener which can instantly and dramatically lengthens, strengthens your lashes.
Lash Extender Volumizer which can thickens, adds volume and strengthens your lashes.
Multi Dimensional Mascara which can instantly creates luscious, dramatic lashes, yet soft and natural.
Mascara Revival which can softens the mascara to avoid formation of clumps without destroying the particles in mascara.
What's the benefits of this Fibre Lash Extender set ?

How to join this Giveaway?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

P/s: Do noted here, please make sure your sharing status is opened to public. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer Soiree!

 How's your last day of summer girls? Having fun at the beach with sophisticated bikini on??
We just spent our Summer at the poolside in Hilton Hotel lately, chilling under the sun with bloggers while enjoying the lingerie show! Great huh?

A big thanks to for the surprising exclusive invitations and luckily I got to do something interesting on that Saturday instead of staying home like always!

Shhh....Keep it as a secret, it's a private event! Only girls were invited!
Wavy hair + shades + light make up to match the Summer Theme. Casual and Easy!

Instead of going event with Chency this time (she just came back from HK, will be damn tired for her to han around), I brought my cousin sister, Chelqie! As an anti-social girl and never went to any bloggers' event, she went quite well with my blogger friends lol.

 Showing the way to smile in front of the camera xD
This is Angeline from AverageAngeline.
Both of us love camwhore so much! Obviously haha!
 Get my shades from @Bestylish8 on Instagram! If you prefer something that looks korea, feel free to visit them!

This is ChoyPeng from Choypengism with her sexy floral outfit, she is a newbie in blogosphere!

Here's the venue that we have our party going! It's a very comfortable spacious place but kinda under the HOT SUN. All of us almost suffered from sun burnt lol.

Alcohol drinks was served as well by Cronier Wines! Cheerssss~ No worry, I didn't drink much, because it didn't happen for me to fall in the pool lol

Selca with the caption of " Do you want some?"
After some drinks and welcome speech by our emcee, finally the party kick off started with lingerie show from Sorella! Presenting the latest collection of lingerie and also body contour range! Do find out their Body Contour Air Cool series which can give you a cool sensation during the summer, stay away from stickiness feeling when you sweat ! Indeed enhancing your body shape!
Followed by gadgets and graphic Tee presented by Nokia, Bravado and Universal Music Malaysia! Love the creative cutting on those tee, so simple yet stylish! If you are looking for more t-shirt tutorial, don't hesitate to visit!

Here's Nokia Lumia. The colors are so fancy!
Lastly, skincare tutorials presented by Shelley from BisouBonbon! Instead of buying the skincare products from the outlet, now you can do it yourself with resources that can easily get in your kitchen!

If you are suffering from a pimple, simple create a pimple paste! Using 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, a quarter of cinnamon and half teaspoon of manuka honey.

To create a flaky scalp masque, use half cup of cold pressed organic virgin coconut oil and 20 drops of sandal wood essential oil.

For Eczema Oat Milk bath, use half cup of finely grounded oats, 2 to 6 cups of goat's milk and 1 to 5 soap nuts.

Last but not least, the lucky draws! Well, as usual, I AM NOT LUCKY. So, I won nothing but Angeline won beauty drinks from FairyBeauty, Janice won dispensers from Spritzer.
Moreover, Choypeng won a limited edition Lady Gaga Beats Earphone! *jello to the max* But, well she was away for some sound check on performances, I represented her to grab her prize hehe as she asked!
Some group shot of us during the event!

Instead of photo booth like every event did, they prepared a Lipstiq's frame for us as crop! It's so adorable!

 Can't stop playing with the crop teehee :D
In this event, I got to meet Amelia! She is so in love with my red hair and she said she wanna get a hair dye like mine. Haha, my hair is kinda attention seeker. =p

 I was so surprise that Lipstiq and all the collaborators are way too generous for giving us so many goodies! Thank you again to all the sponsors! Here's some that I missed out, VanityTrove, Luxola and SkinFood! Thanksssssss

Friday, August 23, 2013

Jonker Street, Malacca #1

Have a short getaway at Malacca with my family during Raya Season like everyone did. One day trip and it's supposed to be 2 hours haul. Yet, it took 4 hours for us to get there wtf. Stuck in terrible jam, like the whole world was on their way to Malacca as well. In addition, there's no space to get our car parked around. So, we decided to park our car at CIMB bank and walk all the way to Jonker Street, it took like 15 minutes route under the hot sun.
We were too boring while stuck in the jam, snappie with my mom and sis :p
My mom, kind of 'puteri lilin', she will melt under the sun, that's why she got herself equipped with hat and long-sleeve gloves.

Jeng Jeng, here's Jonker Street. Full of historical-feel. The old shops and all the local products which are kinda well known.
 There's not only flooded with cars and humane, but also pedicabs and umbrellas.
All the pedicabs were decorated so well and looked so attractive, feel like trying but it's kinda pricey. No longer like the childhood's song that we sing
"三輪車跑得快,上面做個老太太,要五毛給一塊,你說奇怪不奇怪" 50 cents? No more. LOL

This is my cousin, Chelqie Fan, driver and tourist guide of the day!

Got attracted by a cute shop, Mamee Jonker House! They are selling snacks, but the price is so much expensive compare to the market/mall in KL. So, we came out empty-handed LOL

 The Mamee monsters are so adorable! Now only I know that they have one teeth on the outside.

Mamee Monster's magnet !

After that, we went to Jonker Garden? Actually it's just a place for us to snap picture and have a short rest while having some light refreshments they bought on bench after a long walk.

Took a picture with this muscular fellow, like everyone does. Hehe. Feel like if I didn't snap picture of this fellow, I have never been to Jonker Street.

A funny picture of my aunt hanging the stuffs we bought on the ivory lol

Then, we visited San Shu Gong, a renowned shop that must be visit once you travel to Malacca! Grabbing some local stuffs and bring it back for friends and neighbors. Sharing is Loving. So coincidence, a handsome guy looked into my camera LOL
A tiny corner that selling crafts on first floor, where is a place for visitors to rest and chill at. So the visitors won't get bored easily as they have something to look at.

My sis was flirting the girl lol

Some nice view taken beside Hard Rock Cafe. It's just like what we seen in the drama, so romantic.
 Get a ride and you will simply feel that you are having the best night on the River Seine under the Eiffel tower. Just like this...
(PC to google)
Snapping photo at the wind mill! Good angle suggested to make your leg look freaking long, from the  bottom!

 Will blog more on the food at Jonker Street in the next post! Stay Tune!