Thursday, November 14, 2013

What I up to on Oct/Nov : DARE To Dream

Recent Life in October and earlier of November
It's just a month in the University and I felt that I've been through a lots LOL
Everything that happened was just too crazy and beyond control.
Instead of bulking up with all the assignments, I was on the stage for UTAR PJ Voice Final as the Top 10 Finalists, sound mad huh? Most of my readers and blogger friends don't know that I can sing haha!

It was my second time to be on the stage, the first was on Astro Star Quest 2013 (if you have read my previous post). It's something that really really mad. I joined the audition like for trying my luck without any preparation and I was in! I got to be in the Semi-final and eventually on the stage of Final as I was actually around the border.

I was kinda surprise to see myself in the poster publicly, everywhere in the University compound with my funny pose/face. My friends used to make fool of me with my pose LOL Spot me right? The odd one

Thank You Speech
Thanks Jave and Jeff for guiding me all the way, giving comments, brave me up, encourage me and spending their precious time to train me.
Thanks all the judges for giving sincere comment, kinda hurt though. Yet, they told me that I have a nice vocal which I didn't realize at all because usually I used to just shout like an insane one in K-room. They said I have solid vocals which suits powerful songs like 'Rolling in the Deep'. They asked me to learn how to softer and control my vocal by trying out more sentimental songs.
Thanks all my friends for supporting me mentally and physically, I was really happy to have all of you and staying with me till the end.
Thanks all the committees for making UTAR PJ Voice a huge success.
I don't really know how to express myself, but I'm really grateful and thank LOL. I have said thousands of thank you to everyone, this is the only way to show and express my appreciation.

Well, I didn't snap much pictures for all the competitions, not at all LOL. But they were all saved up in my mindset. The only picture on me and Wee 陈汉伟, he is sucha talented guy!

My Feelings
I was so happy that I've learn a lot of things and gaining the experience on how to perform on the stage. I am no longer afraid to face the audience and relax. I learn how to calm myself down before performing. I got to make new friends who shared the same passion of mine, we love to sing! I really appreciate every moment and I'm so thankful for everyone who support and help me out.
I have all the good memories in 2013 with thrill and excitements. Yea, and soon I will be in the age of 21. I wanna try out more stuffs and make more memories. Don't forget to dream big!

P/s: So sorry for not updating my blog that often. Will soon update, stay tune. =D


  1. Glad that you had a wonderful time in uni!
    Gambateh! ♥

  2. Replies
    1. LOL.. i dont wanna be a star, i wanna be extraordinary and a person who create memories ;D

  3. Wow you're from UTAR too? I'm from KL campus ;D Congratulations anyway! =D

    1. yaya, october intake, in PJ campus! Haha we are all UTARians :D

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