Saturday, December 21, 2013

Party Nails with Bloop!

I am sure most of the girls own yourself at least a bottle of nail polish! I have like around 20 bottles. Personally, I love manicure, not really DIY but by the professionals manicurist out there. Hmm, guess my first nail DIY experience will be during my exam in secondary school. I used to do polka dots or flowers on my nails using the pen corrector LOL, it's actually something fun and interesting to make sure the time pass sooner during the exam haha!
Our nails seems to be part of our 'decoration' which match with our outfit, themed party, any occasions or even when we doing nothing. Sometimes, I feel my nails are quite empty. Yet, I am quite lazy to paint it with colors or feeling kind of lazy to visit the manicurist.

-------------------------------------- Bloop Nail Strips --------------------------------------

Recently, Bloop has launched their very own unique NAIL STRIPS! Well, it isn't something unusual, as nowadays we have eyeliner strips, eyeshadow strips or even lip's strips, perhaps there will be blusher/contour strips in the future. All these strips are invented for those lazy ass like me!

Here's 'Nail it! With Bloop' which consisted of 12 pieces of nail strips and a nail file.

Lets see how it works:
1st step: Measure the size of your nail as the nail sticker will slightly larger.
2nd step: Cut the nail sticker in shape, so that it fits your nail's size.
3rd step: Pull off the strips and stick it evenly on your nail.
4th step: File off the extra edges. Make sure you position the file at vertical direction and downward motion.
*Make sure your nail is long.
*Apply base/top coat before applying the nail strip, so that the nail strip last longer on your nail. 

 Tadaa, finally it's done!

These nail strips are really convenient, because we need not to let it dry, unlike nail polish and we can instantly have our very own nail art! Besides, it's very easy to apply as needed only 15 minutes. Yet, I found it quite easy to fall off where we need to be very caution when ever our nails approaching cotton materials.
Now, you can choose your own favorite design here!

-------------------------------------- Bloop Nail Polish --------------------------------------

Here's I am reviewing on Bloop Nail Polish. I was quite amazed with its quick dry and long lasting function. Since I have oily-based nail, usually all the nail polish will only last for about 2 days on my nail, especially for those glitter type nail polish . Sound crazy huh? But it's a fact as I pick up some of the house chores.

For the texture, as we can see, it's ultra glossy and it's easy to apply on, without leaving the sign of lines. The color looking quite elegant or glam and it suits most of the dinner occassion.

Bloop nail polish last even longer on my nail, it's the third day now! 

Thanks to HiShop and Bloop for the review opportunity.
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 Exclusive RM20 rebate for my readers by coding BLOOPNAILS!!
*With minimum purchase of RM99, valid till 31st January 2014.


  1. Eeee love your nail stickers! So retro yet so modern and cute! I got the junk food series. x

    1. Guess yours will be much more interesting and cute =0


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